The Complete Royal Families of Ancient
This book illuminates the lives of the kings, queens, princes, and princesses of ancient
This book is the most complete reference of the royal genealogy in Ancient Egypt that I have ever read. You would be amazed with the amount of detail that was put into this book. It is very easy to understand and has clearly been thoroughly researched. This 320 page book covers over 1,500 rulers and royal individuals of Ancient Egypt’s pharaoh dynasties. Highly Informative, Highly illustrated and highly recommended.
The Complete
This is an encyclopedic book containing information, photos, histories, site plans, diagrams and everything else concerning the temples in
I was very unfortunate not too have had this book when I traveled to
Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh
This is a well researched book concerning the life and times of the great Hatchepsut. The author states that this book is not an autobiography on Hatchesput and could not be an autobiography due to the lack of information known about the Pharaoh, or her lifetime.
This book is not for the newbie of Ancient
Ramesses is certainly one of my favorite pharaohs to reign over Ancient Egypt. I really enjoyed this book and found it very quick and informative read. Some people have criticized this book for been a little short, but in my opinion everything you want to know from this warrior pharaoh has been covered in this book. Including the description of his tomb, his life as a warrior & head of the military, his alliance with adjacent kingdoms and his following of religion (especially his loyalty to Re). However, just as I stated above in regards to ‘Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh’ I do not recommend this book for readers that have little knowledge on Ancient Egypt.
This book is not for the newbie of Ancient
This book can be purchased fairly cheaply from Amazon, so grab yourself a bargain today!!!!!!
This book is a slightly weird recommendation, but quite frankly this book blew me away. Mainly because I had never read such a strong cased theory in regards to The Great Pyramid of Giza. It goes against all of the books and theories that I have ever read concerning the Great pyramids of
Many Egyptologist, scholars and historians denounce this book as being utter rubbish, but I personally find this book extremely intriguing and I guarantee that once you have read this you will too.
She was the beloved wife of Akhenaton, who defied ancient custom by practicing monotheism and by elevating Nefertiti far above the role of subservient consort previously played by Egyptian queens. Her image has ravished Western viewers ever since a magnificent limestone bust unearthed at the royal retreat of Amarna went on display in
The history surrounding Nefertiti is so vague. So finding a decent book on Nefertiti can be rather difficult. This book was only published in 2005, so a lot of the recent findings have been published in this book. However, I must say that despite the title this book is not soley dedicated to Nefertiti. This book also portrays Akhenaten, Amenhotep III and Queen Tiy, the parents of Akhenaten. This could be a good or bad point depending on the main reason of purchasing the book, but I surely enjoyed this book and I do recommend it.
Nefertiti Lived Here
This is the first book written by archaeologist and broadcaster Mary Chubb about her adventures and experiences on various digs in the Near East and
I really enjoyed this novel by Mary Chubb's. The author describes very passionately the atmosphere of archaeology in the 1930s. This book is very easy to read and very humorous at times.
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
This is a wonderfully translated book, based on an ancient book, and good for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian life, literature, or religion. This really is a must read for anybody serious about Ancient Egypt. Enclosed within the book is a glossary which makes this book ideal reading for anybody interested in Ancient Egypt. It is very easy to read and very easy to understand.
A must have!!!!!!!!
Book of the Dead: Hieroglyphic Transcript and Translation into English of the Papyrus of Ani
This is a cheaper alternative to ‘The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead’. It is a later release from a different author. However, in comparison to Raymond O. Faulkner’s Book of the Dead I found this less enjoyable and harder to read. This book does have some very informative chapters and is certainly the cheaper alternative (up to half price) but I would fully recommend Raymond O. Faulkner’s: Book of the Dead in preference to this title.
Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs
This title shows deep insight into the Ancient Egyptian language and culture. This title will give the reader all the relevant knowledge on the ancient Egyptian language in an extremely educational manner.
It also offers scholars of linguistics a complete grammatical description of the classical language of ancient Egypt. This book is a little expensive but it is worth every penny.
The Keys of
A gifted bookseller's son born in Revolutionary France, Champollion was to become "gripped by energetic enthusiasm" for
I really enjoyed this title, but this is a recommendation that is really aimed at readers that enjoy a good novel, with a little bit of history and the eagerness to learn the way in which hieroglyphs were deciphered. This is a good combination of the biography of Champollion and the description of the process of deciphering the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
I really do not want to give too much away in this review. So, I shall conclude this review by saying I found this book gripping and highly enjoyable.
The Lost Tomb: The Most Extraordinary Archaeological Discovery of Our Time - The Burial Site
Working for the American university in
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